The final game

The game is finally done. Space Hawk is a top down space shooter in which you fight against insectoids to save the human race. The ship is customizable with 12 upgrades in the store. There are passive upgrades, like firerate and moving speed, but also active upgrades, like a bomb that does damage to all enemies on the screen and removes all bullets.

The player starts in a level in which he or she faces waves of enemy grunts. Killing these grunts gives the player scrap, with which he can purchase the upgrades in the shop. After defeating all the grunts, there are a total of 4 bossfights, one in every level, all of which have exciting mechanics that bring a new challenge every time you face a new boss. Finally, here is a nice screenshot from one of the boss battles:

We hope that you will try out Space Hawk on friday January the 31th on the day of the symposium.

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